If only breast milk solved all of our problems.
But then, for some it does.
It's World Breastfeeding Week. Perfect timing. Jenny's breast and their contents seem to be the only thing that comforts baby Santiago these days. So a lot has gone into her breasts; research, diet, sleepless nights, and hormones. Being the curious intellectual, I thumbed through Dr. Martin's Breastfeeding Book, which has just about all you need to know about the subject. I was aware of the benefits from classes in college, but having them listed out in front of you is eye opening, and shocking that so many babies are kept from the benefits for various reasons, such as convenience, social awkwardness, etc. My aunt and cousins are leaders in their communities for La Leche League, an international non-profit working to further educate and mentor mothers on the benefits of breastfeeding. In a way changing the future for some, one breast at a time.
So here we were last week, Jenny feeding and I reading some blogs and I come across this post on Drawger. The art by Edel Rodriguez is chilling and the article on climate change by Bill McKibben is even more chilling. Please read if you can. He really breaks down all the research on climate change and the role of politics and money.
In all the joy and love that has been surrounding me and my family this past month, global warming never entered my head. My thoughts on the future had me pondering about my son's personality, what color his gray eyes will turn into, how long will Jenny breastfeed, and excitement to be part of his development as an aware being. But what if what McKibben says is right. My thoughts have turned into anxiety. What future are we leaving to our offspring if we continue the course?
Perhaps, if our leaders and the heads of big oil, thought more about breastfeeding and the generation of little one's who benefit from it, then maybe, breast milk could save the world.